Electronic security

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State-of-the-art technology for Security and Services.

Work with us

The GRUPO GR  offers the best solutions in Electronic Security with state-of-the-art technology, such as: Contactless Access Control, Access Control Automation, Smart Alarms and Analytical Videos with Artificial Intelligence, Digital Processes, Perimeter Protection, Intelligent Monitoring, Drones, serving industries, educational institutions, malls, condominiums and companies from different segments.

Asset Security / Private Security 

We are also focused on developing high-tech solutions, such as: 

Contactless Access 

GR Face
Facial Recognition Camera, Temperature Measurement and Mask Detection

Presentation PDF

Presentation video

GR Control
Automation system for access control

Presentation PDF

GR Code
QR Code Access

Presentation PDF

Presentation video

As new technologies emerge, our job is to understand how to create technically and financially viable solutions to facilitate the daily lives of our customers throughout Brazil.

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