Security Projects

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On-demand projects

Work with us

We work with customized projects tailored to the needs of special customers. We can also act in the design phase of an installation, helping to build an environment that collaborates with security, providing architectural physical barriers against external threats.

Our job is to identify all possible failures or weaknesses in security and propose the most appropriate solutions, such as:


Work Rules

Operational Training

Internal and External Adjustments

Functional Frame Resizing


Special needs demand special projects.

Together with our security specialists, we can provide Complete Risk Analysis, based on the ISO 31000 Standard, using our GR Risk solution.
Projects of this type support managers, security professionals and others interested in making security decisions based on real risks.

We present Scorecards, which provide an executive view of Risks, including indices and metrics that facilitate the establishment of criteria that support decision-making. An example of this is the targeting of future investments according to the impacts they will generate on the risks that managers consider most harmful to their business. 

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