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Qualified and trained professionals.

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The GRUPO GR also offers other outsourced services, with qualified and trained professionals, who contribute to the smooth running of the daily routines of companies and condominiums.

Serving more than 1,100 customers throughout Brazil with proven experience in the sector, GRUPO GR provides high quality services in:

General Services Assistant

Glass Cleaners


Between others


Specialized and highly trained professionals.

Specialized and highly trained professionals.
has more than 2 decades of specialization in offering Outsourced Services and Asset Security to meet the expectations of the most varied customers, striving for the seriousness and suitability that accredit us as one of the largest companies in the segment in Brazil.

When contracting outsourced services from GRUPO GR, the client can immediately count on a structure dedicated to serving him effectively.

Professionals periodically trained in our Training Center, who undergo constant qualification and are prepared to perform their activities within strict standards of ethics, conduct and procedure;

Supervision dedicated to operations, with 24-hour monitoring, guiding and instructing all professionals in the corporation to provide services according to the particularities of each client.

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